How to Clean The Copper Mesh?

Oct. 12, 2021

Copper Mesh is used to reduce or eliminate sulfur compounds during the beverage-grade distillation process. It needs moderate but regular cleaning to ensure its effectiveness and maintain the integrity of your stationary operations.

To ensure that pure copper is used, quality is important. Don't sacrifice copper coating materials just to save a few pennies. Also, do not use any mesh that is discolored or shows signs of blue corrosion.

Pure copper will not rust, stain or scratch the surface, but it does have a net-like life. You can help extend its value and prevent product odors by cleaning it after each run. Moreover, once it does not look clean, no matter how strict your sanitation protocol is, you will discard it and replace it if necessary. As a Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Supplier, share it with you.

Step 1: Preparation

Remove all the copper mesh on the column and let it dry. If you suspect that there may be too much debris or may need to be replaced, unfold to check, then unfold to speed up drying. Note: Roll it up to fit into the container (see step 2).

This will be an almost impossible task, and the packing materials for thoroughly cleaning your column are still there.

Copper Mesh

Copper Mesh

Step 2: Clean

Fill a container about twice the size of the rolled grid with the cleaning solution of your choice. People have different opinions, including straight citric acid, citric acid, straight vinegar, a mixture of vinegar and water, or environmentally friendly alkaline cleaners like PBW.

Soak the copper mesh for at least one hour, up to 24 hours.

Step 3: Rinse and store

Once removed from the cleaning solution, rinse it thoroughly with clean water. Unfold (hang if possible), and then air dry completely. Dry it and store it in a clean container until the next use.

Rinse and repeat steps 1-3 until it shows any obvious signs of deterioration, including loss of color.